MCEC Annual Meeting 2021 Survey

The MCEC Annual Meeting 2021 was held both online and in person on 21-22 June.

The first day we had the pleasure to enjoy lectures from Detlef Lohse ‘Pay to Publish’ and David Fernandez Rivas ‘How to utilize gas filled bubbles and microfluidics?’. We also got updates on projects from some of our current PhD candidates. The second day we all could meet live in Utrecht at ‘de Moestuin’ where we enjoyed each others posters and company.

To make sure future MCEC Meeting will be a success, we would like to ask you to please fill in the MCEC Annual Meeting 2021 Survey:

MCEC 2021 Annual Meeting Survey (1)

    hybrid format = Day 1 with digital presentations (from home), Day 2 poster session in person
    The live event was held at De Moestuin in Utrecht

Thank you very much!

MCEC Annual Meeting, 21-22 June 2021

The MCEC Annual Meeting 2021 will be held both online and in person on 21-22 June. We count on your presence at this two-day event so make sure that you reserve these dates in your agenda.

The first day will be held online in the MCEC MS Teams environment. On the second day we hope to meet you in Utrecht for a live event.

All MCEC PhD’s will be required to present a poster on the second day.

Below you can find the preliminary program and the registration form. Please register before February 1st.

Preliminary Program:

Registration MCEC Annual Meeting, 21-22 June 2021

    Please feel free to give a presentation about your research in addition to your poster presentation. NB: all MCEC PhD's are required to present a poster at the Annual Meeting.

MCEC Lustrum Celebration

Thank you for your response!

MCEC Feedback form – Public Engagement 28-11-2019

MCEC Newsletter November 2020

In our latest MCEC Newsletter you can read about:

  • MCEC School 2020
  • MCEC Focus Session @ CHAINS 2020 (online)
  • MCEC Member: Sander Langen (UT)
  • Operando Characterisation of Catalysts at Work
  • SUNERGY Online Workshop
  • Two H2020 grants – Florian Meirer & Bert Weckhuysen
  • MCEC Promotions
  • Freddy Rabouw receives Heineken Young Scientists Award
  • MCEC Publications

Get in touch with us on LinkedIn!

Read more

MCEC Labtour Utrecht

MCEC Labtour Utrecht

    The preliminary program of the labtour day will be shared with you soon. We estimate to start the day at 09:45 and end around 17:30.

MCEC Annual Meeting, 8-9 April 2020

The MCEC Annual Meeting 2020 will be held in Eindhoven on 8-9 April. We count on your presence at this two-day event so make sure that you reserve these dates in your agenda.
All MCEC PhD’s will be required to present a poster.

Below you can find the preliminary program and the registration form. Please register before February 1st.

Preliminary Program:

Wednesday 8 April
10:30 Registration
11:00 Opening Prof. Bert Weckhuysen
11:00 Presentations by PhDs/PDs 3x 20min. (1-3)
12:20 Lunch
13:20 Invited Lecture 1: Prof. George Huber, Madison Wisconsin
14:00 Demonstrator updates 3x 15 min.
14:45 Break
15:15 Presentations by PhDs/PDs 2x 20 min. (4-5)
16:00 Postersession 1
17:00 End of Postersession 1
– Walk to hotel for dinner + Check-in –
18:00 Diner @Hotel Pullman + Evening lecture: Dr. Thijs de Groot
20:00 End of day 1
Thursday 9 April
09:00 Presentations by PhDs/PDs 3x 20 min. (6-8)
10:00 Break
10:30 Invited Lecture 2: Prof. Marjolein Dijkstra
11:10 Presentations by PhDs/PDs 2x 20 min (9-10)
11:50 Lunch
12:30 Postersession 2
13:30 Wrap-up
13:45 Labtour Eindhoven
15:30 End of Annual Meeting
Please note:
16:00 Defense Vishak Chandra (TU/e), MCEC 1st phase (for those who are interested)

Registration MCEC Annual Meeting, 8-9 April 2020

    Please feel free to give an oral presentation about your research in addition to your poster presentation. NB: all MCEC PhD's are required to present a poster at the Annual Meeting.
    MCEC will arrange a hotel in Eindhoven city-centre, walking distance from Eindhoven Technical University.

MCEC School Survey 2020

We kindly ask you to fill in this survey. Please note that all responses will be anonymous.

  • Q5: Lecture Wednesday

  • Research lecture

    These questions concern research lecture 1 (by Dr. Freddy Rabouw)