Making use of diffusiophoresis for enhanced mass transports off spatially inhomogeneous catalysts: experiments
1st supervisor and 1st promotor: Prof. Rob Lammertink
Co-promotor: TBA
Affiliation: University of Twente
Research theme: Catalyst Diagnostics to Develop More Active Catalysts
Catalytic reactions are hindered by insufficient transport of the reaction products away from the often expensive catalyst. Here we suggest to achieve an enhanced yield with less catalytic surface, simply by enhancing the hydrodynamic transport away from the surface through spatial inhomogeneities of the catalyst, namely changing areas with an active catalyst with those without any catalyst at all.
This will lead to concentration gradients along the surface which will induce a lateral diffusiophoretic respective diffusioosmotic flow which can lead to convective flow patterns away from the surface and thus enhancing the transport away from the catalyst. This in turn will lead to a higher reaction rate. The aim of this project is to (i) quantitative describe this process by comparing controlled experiments and simulations in 2D, (ii) to optimize the pattern of the catalyst to achieve optimal flow with as small catalytic region as possible and (iii) to apply this concept also to 3D catalyst (porous media). This subproject is experimental; there is a numerical counterpart.
- Catalysts
- Diffusiophoresis
- Immersed boundary method
- Mass transfer
- Surface patterning