Synthesis gas (CO + H2) is a versatile intermediate to convert carbon-containing feedstocks such as biomass to fuels and chemicals. For the production of olefins and aromatics from synthesis gas currently a multi-step process is needed, that is syngas is first converted to methanol over a copper catalyst and then methanol to hydrocarbons using a zeolite catalyst. We intend to investigate the possibility to convert synthesis gas directly to aromatics using a hybrid catalyst. The design of the catalyst aims at syngas conversion to light hydrocarbons (olefins, paraffins) in combination with a selective acid function for conversion to (specific) aromatics. Fundamental understanding and improvement of catalyst stability and selectivity will a main thrust of this research. UU expertise on catalyst design, characterization and performance will be combined with TU/e expertise on mechanistic, kinetic and reactor modelling.
Project leader: Prof. Krijn de Jong