Freddy Rabouw (UU) receives VIDI-grant

Blue and ultraviolet sunlight are highly energetic. Current technologies to harvest sunlight cannot use this energy efficiently. “Quantum cutting”, the conversion of blue and ultraviolet light into infrared, can change this. Freddy’s project ‘Science: Quantum cutting sunlight with Yb3+-doped perovskite’ will develop strategies for more efficient quantum cutting, which will inspire new technologies for sustainable energy production.

Last year, Rabouw received the Heineken Young Scientists Award in the category Natural Sciences from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), for his research on new materials to generate light, for example for solar cells or display screens.

Many congratulations Freddy!

Registration – MCEC School 2021 for Members

Valery Muravev (TU/e) Article in Nature Catalysis

On June 3 Nature Catalysis published MCEC PhD Valery Muravev‘s article titled ‘Interface dynamics of Pd–CeO2 single-atom catalysts during CO oxidation‘. The research that lies at the heart of this publication is a collaboration between different researchers from different universities: Valery Muravev, Giulia Spezzati, Ya-Qiong Su, Alexander Parastaev, Fu-Kuo Chiang, Alessandro Longo, Carlos Escudero, Nikolay KosinovEmiel J. M. Hensen.


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MCEC Annual Meeting 2021

The MCEC Annual Meeting 2021 will be held both online and in person on 21-22 June. We count on your presence at this two-day event so make sure that you reserve these dates in your agenda.

The first day will be held online in the MCEC MS Teams environment. On the second day we hope to meet you at “De Moestuin” in Utrecht for a live Covid-19 proof event.

All MCEC PhD’s will be required to present a poster on the second day.

Below you can find the preliminary program and registration form. Please register before June 1st.

Monday 21 June – Online

09:00 Opening

09:15 – 10:15 Invited Speaker

10:30 – 11:30 Presentations by PhDs/PDs 3x 20min.

11:30 Break

13:00 – 14:00 Demonstrator updates 3x 20 min.

14:00 – 14:30 Presentations by PhDs 2x 20 min.

14:30 Break

15:00 – 16:00 Invited Speaker: David Fernandez Rivas

16:00 Break

16:15 – 17:15 Presentations by PhDs/PDs 3x 20min.

Tuesday 22 June – Live

11:00 – 12:00 Poster Session group 1

12:00 – 13:00 Break with Lunch

13:00 – 14:00 Poster Session group 2

14:00 – 16:00 Workshop Demonstrator ‘Wastebot’


Online Lecture Series: Life After MCEC

Dear MCEC Members,

We are happy to invite you to our Online Lecture Series: “Life after MCEC” given by our MCEC members. We encourage you to actively participate and ask any questions through the chat or after the lecture.

Our second lecture will be given by dr. Jeroen Vollenbroek.

Date: Thursday 20/05/2021
Time: 13.00 /13.45 h.

My name is Jeroen Vollenbroek and I am a Postdoctoral researcher at the Nephrology and Hypertension department at the UMC Utrecht and also partially at the University of Twente. I did my bachelor and master in Electrical Engineering at the University of Twente. During my PhD within MCEC I worked on a multidisciplinary, highly collaborative project at the BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip group (University of Twente) and the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group (Utrecht University). I worked together with Anne-Eva Nieuwelink on developing microreactors for the high-throughput activity screening (and sorting) of catalyst particles. During my MCEC project I could apply the knowledge I learned during my master and simultaneously learn a lot about chemistry and catalysis through the collaboration. Now, for my postdoc I am part of a long running project in developing a portable artificial kidney. My project focusses on the removal of urea from dialysate using electro-oxidation. During my talk/lecture I will tell about my experiences within MCEC, how MCEC helped me become the researcher I am, and a bit about my current project.


MCEC Members: Experienced Escapers

On Friday April 9th, MCEC’s C-Team organized a really fun, informal Remote Teambuilding Experience. It was an online escape room hosted by The Box Company.

The participants were divided into 5 teams of 5 people.

In the end Team Argon turned out to be the quickest to escape. Congratulations to Roy Hoitink, Ketki Srivastava, Juan Guillermo Ramírez, Mathieu Odijk and Jochem van Duin!



Scientific Research Community: Catalysis for CCU

‘Catalysis for CCU: Valorisation of CO and CO2 through Carbon Capture and Use’ is a multidisciplinary network of scientists, connected with well-established research groups in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, focused on Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies as an essential step to developing the know-how for a low-carbon circular economy. 

To enhance the connection with other research groups Catalysis for CCU created a virtual platform that will be used to:

  • Share Master and PhD research topics 
  • Stream relevant PhD defences, invited lectures, and CCU seminars 
  • Create CCU podcasts 
  • Create a CCU database of available infrastructure, on-going projects and job opportunities 
  • “CCU Happy Hours”, online meetings where a small group of young researchers discusses viral matters with relevant experts. 

Do you wish to participate in this virtual platform?
Get in touch with us:

N3C Poster Award for Erik Maris (UU)

Erik Maris (UU) has won the Poster Award at NCCC for his poster entitled ”Making more efficient zeolites; Visualizing motion on the single-molecule level”. The jury particularly appreciated the infographic-style layout, which allowed easy reading on a computer screen, and embedded sound fragments that made up an audio tour explaining the poster. We spoke with Erik about his poster and the choices that he made in the process of making the poster.

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David Fernandez Rivas (UT) wins Prince Friso Engineer Prize

The Prince Friso Engineer Prize for MCEC Member David Fernandez Rivas (UT) came digitally from the hands of KIVI President Joanne Meyboom. Fernadez Rivas also turned out to be the audience’s favorite, thus also winning the audience award. Meyboom said that the jury was struck by his inspiration. He inspires enormously and has a lot of expertise on specific subjects, but also looks at the width. He makes himself and his knowledge openly available and uses his entrepreneurship to actively pass on his knowledge. But above all, he wants to be an independent scientist, leading motivated professionals into challenging research at the intersection of physics and biomedical science.

Have a look at the projects that David Fernandez Rivas works on in this video made by ‘Koninklijk Instituut van Inginieurs’:

Read the jury report

Kick-Off Your Online Presence

On January 19, MCEC organized a kick-off 2021 meeting for all its members.

We gave the floor to our MT-members and tenure track assistant-professors

For all PhD’s and postdocs there was an interesting and fun workshop on the topic of developing your ‘online presence’. Felix Weijdema (UU) gave the workshop ”Improve Your Online Presence” in which he talked about what steps you can take to disseminate your work online in novel and engaging ways, and hence increase the impact of your research on science and society.

You will find the presentation slides of the ”Improve Your Online Presence”-workshop, on the MCEC MS Teams page.