This month, Chemical Engineering Science truly has a lot in store for you. The journal features a special section on ‘Multiscale Energy Conversion from Catalytic Event to Reactor’, in which you’ll find articles from MCEC researchers and other experts who were invited to contribute.
This special ‘MCEC issue’ is an initiative of Niels Deen (TU/e), who proposed the idea to the MCEC Management Team and the editorial board of Chemical Engineering Science where it was met with much enthusiasm. The result is a 186-page section that features research articles from i.e. Robin Geitenbeek (UU), Jiangtao Lu (TU/e), Beatriz Luna-Murillo (UU), Anne-Eva Nieuwelink (UU), Aditya Sengar (TU/e), and Evgeny Uslamin (TU/e).
The special section offers a lot of insights on MCEC (related) topics, and showcases the scientific knowledge, talent and multidisciplinary approach MCEC has been developing and nourishing ever since its start. Please take note, new MCEC PhDs and community members, as it is a perfect starting point for reading up on catalysis and multiscale energy conversion.
To everyone involved in this issue: congratulations!
** April 1 2019